CV Packages

PLANU SIRA NE'EBE DEZENVOLVE HO ITA-NIA NEGÓCIO aranja ona ninia servisu CV sira iha pakote 4 kedas. Pakote ida-idak bazeia ba organizasaun ida-idak nia nesecidade sira. Ami fiar sei ita bele hetan pakote ne'ebe los ba ita-nia organizasaun. Sei karik laiha pakote ida ne'ebe diak ba ita-nia organizasaun entaun favor fo hatene ba ami.


$29.00 only

This package is for the starters which allows you to download a small number of CVs over the period of a week.

Access to 30 Resumes 7 Days Duration


$49.00 only

This is the most used monthly CV package. It will allow you to download up to 55 unique CVs over the period of a month.

Access to 55 Resumes 1 Months Duration


$99.00 only

If you have are hiring a lot for people or would like to assess more candidates carefully to find the right match then this package is for you. With this pack, you can download 120 CVs within 3 months.

Access to 120 Resumes 3 Months Duration


$149.00 only

This package is designed especially for large organization with a large workforce. This package will allow you to download up to 200 different CVs over the period of 6 months for just $149.

Access to 200 Resumes 6 Months Duration
  • 151,230APPLICATIOS
  • 87,113JOB POSTED


Ami aranja pakota vagas nian iha kategoria 5 atu responde organizasaun ida-idak nia nesecidade sira. Ami fiar sei ita bele hetan pakote ne'ebe los ba ita-nia organizasaun. Sei karik laiha pakote ida ne'ebe diak ba ita-nia organizasaun entaun favor fo hatene ba ami.
  • Blue

    $1915 Days
    • 1 job posting
    • 0 featured job
    • Job displayed for 15 days
    • Package valid for 15 days
    Sosa Agora
  • Silver

    $7915 Days
    • 5 job postings
    • 2 featured jobs
    • Jobs displayed for 15 days
    • Package valid for 1 month
    Sosa Agora
  • Gold

    $39920 Days
    • 20 job postings
    • 10 featured jobs
    • Jobs displayed for 20 days
    • Package valid for 6 months
    Sosa Agora
  • Platinum

    $79930 Days
    • 50 job postings
    • 20 featured jobs
    • Jobs displayed for 30 days
    • Package valid for 12 months
    Sosa Agora